What to see in Lhasa

Ganden Monastery

Ganden Namgyal Ling Monastery, the actual name for the...

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Yangpachen Hot Spring

Chinese Name: 羊八井 English Name: Yangpachen Hot Spring Tibetan...

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Tsurphu Monastery

Tsurphu monastery is the main monastery of Karmapa and it...

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Norbulingka Palace in Lhasa

Norbulingka Palace is located in Lhasa City, Tibetan Autonomous Region....

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Shigatse & Gyangtse

Mt.Everest & Everest base Camp (EBC)

Everest (8850m) the highest mountain in the world also called as Jomolhangma in Tibetan, which literally means Female Incarnated Giant...

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Samding Monastery

Samding Monastery                           Moreover, the head of the monastery is Droji Phagmo, is a female incarnated...

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Gyantse Dzong

Chinese Name: 江孜宗  English Name: Gyantse Dzong Tibetan Name: རྒྱལ་རྩེ་རྫོང། Location: perched high above the town of Gyantse on a...

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Kyirong Pakba Monastery

Pakba Monastery is located in the “holy city” Kyirong town, known as a commercial hub for Tibet- Nepal, and Tibet-India in ancient...

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Tsetang & Yarlung Valley

Samye monastery

Samye monastery was the first Tibetan Buddhism monastery that constructed probably between 775 and 779, during the reign of King...

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Mindroling Monastery

Mindroling Monastery is one of the six major monasteries of the Nyingma School of Buddhism in Tibet. Rigzin Terdak Lingpa founded...

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Dratang Monastery

Dratang Monastery Chinese Name: 扎塘寺  English Name: Dratang Monastery Tibetan Name: གྲྲ་ཐང་དགོན་པ།  Location: Located 2 km off the main road in the Dranang...

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Holy Lhamo La-Tso Lake

Lhamo La-Tso Chinese name: 拉姆拉错, English name: Lhamo La-Tso Tibetan Name : ལྷ་མོའི་བླ་མཚོ། Location: located 65km northeast from Gyaca County in Shannan Prefecture...

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Ali & western Tibet

Rutog Rock Painting

Rutog Rock Painting Chinese Name:日土岩画  English Name: Rutog Rock Paintings  Location: Located in Rutog County, Ngari Plateau, Tibet Autonomous Region, China  Opening...

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Mount Kailash Tour


The name for Mount Kailash (Sanskrit name) in Tibetan is Khangrinpoche or Khangkartisi that literally means Precious Jewel of Snow,...

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Manasarovar Lake

The Manasarovar Lake locates in western part of Tibet around 1000 kilometers away from Lhasa, the holy lake lies above 4500 meters...

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Zanda Earth Forest

Chinese Name: 札达地质森林  English Name: Zanda Earth Forest  Location:  Zanda County, Ali Prefecture  Opening hours: All-day  National Geological Park Zanda Earth Forest is located...

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Nyintri & Eastern Tibet


Lamaling monastery initially located on the ridge of a low-lying hill (called Norbu Ri) once destroyed in a natural disaster...

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Lulang Forest

Chinese Name: 鲁朗林海  English Name: Lulang Forest  Location:  80 km from Bayi Town to the east, Nyingchi County Opening Hours: All-day  Lulang Forest-...

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Mt.Namcha Barwa

            Namcha Bawa is the one of most attractions of the Nyingtri prefecture that stands...

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Midui Glacier-Tibet

Chinese Name:米堆冰川 English Name: Midui Glacier  Location: Midui Village, Bome County, Nyingchi Opening Hours: All-day  Midui Glacier is regarded as one of the most...

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Nakchu & northern Tibet

Siling Lake ( Siling Tso)

Chinese Name: 色林错湖  English Name: Siling Tso Lake  Location: Located in Xainza County, Nagqu Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region   Opening Hours: All-day  Siling Tso- The...

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Namtso Lake

Namtso lake is known as one of the holiest lake called Heavenly Lake in Tibetan along with Manasarovar, Yamdrok and...

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Sok Tsanden Monastery

Sok Tsanden Monastery is located on top of the Yaladuo Hill at Sok Yaklha Town, in the Nagqu area of north...

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Kham Region

Katok Monastery

Katok monastery also transliterated as Kathok or Kathog Monastery is one of the six principal monasteries of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism....

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Yachen Monastery

Yachen monastery is located in Pelyul county of Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, in Sichuan province, China. It is lies 4000m above the sea...

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Longtang Dolma Lhakhang

Longtang Dolma Lhakhang is located in the north of Kham Dege, a place known as Denma which is located in the...

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Langmu Monastery

Langmu Monastery is located between Gansu Province and Sichuan Province in Southern Ruoer Gai County. It is not only a...

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Amdo Region

Amdo Labrang

Labrang Tashi Kyil Monastery

Labrang monastery is located in Xiahe County in Gansu province, in the traditional Tibetan area of Amdo. It is currently the largest monastery on the...

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Kokonor lake

Kokonor Lake is Mongolian name and Tso Ngon Po in Tibetan literally means Blue lake, and it gives Tso Ngon(Qinghai) as...

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Labrang Monlam Chenmo

Tibet has a large number of monasteries of different size and sect due to the huge follower of the Buddhism....

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Kumbum Monastery

The Kumbum monastery is located in Qinghai Province which is 25km away from the Xining, the capital of Qinghai Province. It is...

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