3 Days Kailash Kora – Tibet Trekking 2021

3 Days  Tibet trekking is the easiest and the shortest trekking from Zutulpuk back to Darchen, the journey extends only 14km (but most of Explore Tibet’s Kailash trekking itineraries have shortened the journey by 2km). The only effort of the day would be the 200m descent.

Tibet trekking 2021

Tibet trekking 2021

The last day trek is most important for Milarepa followers because it goes passing some of the holiest sites of Milarepa’s adventurous life to enlightenment, he is also claimed to have defeated Naro Bonchung (a Bon religion scholar) in a magic duel over control of Mt. Kailash (Buddhists or Bonpos). After winner the contest, Milarepa stated that the Bon followers could still circumambulate the Kailash and even bestowed upon them the Bonri Mountain.

Ngari - Mt. Kailash

The Landscape after crossing the river by Kailash Kora.

When you leave the Zutulpuk Monastery site in the morning, the trail goes along the river pleasantly for about an hour, going up across the river, only to face red and golden cliffs, your arrival there in the afternoon will be added with a beauty inexpressible in words. Followed by the fourth and the last prostration point, you enter the Barkha Plain again, Darchen is just an hour easy walk away from there on a dirt road.

Tibet trekking around Mount Kailash

Tibet trekking around Mount Kailash

While your Kailash kora ends here at Darchen, your journey still lies ahead driving back to Lhasa. Explore Tibet has locally experienced guides to make your visit to Tibet even more spectacular, we also have some very well tailor-made itineraries –  15 Days Kailash Tour, 17 Days Mt. Kailash Pilgrimage, or you can customize your own Tibet Kailash tour.

Kailash trekking 2021

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