Tibet Border to Nepal Was Closed Due To the Deadly Nepal Earth-quake on April 25th, 2015.

Tibet Travel News

A deadly earth quake on April 25th afternoon had destroyed more than 12 world heritages in Nepal, and took thousands of lives, it had also affected some villages and towns in Tibet which is neighboring to the Nepal, it had badly affected the tourism industry in Nepal kingdom and so as in Tibet, Mt.Everest base camp in Tibet is only less than 300km from the Kathmandu city in Nepal and after the Earthquake Tibet tourism bureau and other government departments had closed the EBC (Everest Base Camp) for tourists by concerning their safety issue. Officially it was told that the EBC entrance tickets won’t sell for tourist until the end of June and everyone is hoping it will reopen in July.

The overland driving tour from the Tibet’s capital Lhasa to Nepalese capital Kathmandu is one of the most popular travel route, because in this week long tour, it not only provides cultural experiences in the holy city Lhasa and Shigatse, it also offers panoramic view of the mighty Himalayan ranges and its extra-ordinary peaks above 8,000m, it also allow you to spend an overnight at the foot of the Mt.Everest which is also known as EBC. Then gradually descent to Nepal valley and enter into Nepal from the Zhangmu border through the friendship highway.

Unfortunately during the earthquake, the Tibet border town Zhangmu was seriously destroyed and the border was totally closed for travelers, now it is starting of the monsoon season in Tibet and experts says it may cause some landslide and rock falling in the border area during the monsoon season, because the Zhangmu border itself is located in a deep valley and surrounded by hills, so the earthquake had loosen the surrounding hills and monsoon rainfall may wash down the rocks and apart lands, so there is not any concrete information on  when the border will reopen for tourist, therefore Explore Tibet is highly suggesting for the Tibet travelers not to plan the overland tour at least in the coming few months, if there is any improvement in the situation, we will update it on our website page 2015 latest Tibet travel permit and Tibet travel information.

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