Feedback from James Hicks

As you know, we also feel very lucky to have been able to travel Tibet during this period of permit restrictions. We realize that we would not have gotten the permits if we had used a different travel agent, and we are very thankful for your efforts. I hope that you are having similar fortune with other travelers and that the permit restrictions will be lifted and you will have more foreign tourists again.


Samdup was a terrific guide. As you know, we were upset on the second day of the tour when it seemed he had forgotten about us, but the rest of the tour went well, and we’re glad that we had the opportunity to see Tibet with him. The sight and sound of Sam saying prayers and mantras throughout the trip helped us to understand the depth of religious feeling in Tibet, particularly since he did not otherwise seem particularly “traditional”.


Visiting Tibet was a dream come true for us, and particularly for Colin, who has wanted to visit the Potala Palace since he was a child. We’ve been to other Buddhist countries and regions — Sikkim, Nepal, and all over Southeast Asia — but Tibet seems particularly remote and starkly beautiful. We don’t know anyone else who has been to Tibet.

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