Beijing To Lhasa Flight

Departure Arrival Approx.Duration Price Frequency
Beijing Lhasa 5h30 CNY2610 Every day
Depart Arrive Flight No. Airlines Plane Model Fare in CNY
07:40 14:00 CZ3183 China Southern Airlines 319 2610
09:00 15:00 CA4112 Air China 319 2610

Frequency: Every day

Stopover: Both flights have one stop over, CZ will stopover in Chongqing, CA stopovers in Chengdu

Lhasa To Beijing Flight

Departure Arrival Approx.Duration Price Frequency
Lhasa Beijing 5h30m CNY2610 Every day
Depart Arrive Flight No. Airlines Plane Model Fare in CNY
15:25 21:05 CZ3184 China Southern Airlines 319 2610
16:00 21:40 CA4111 Air China 319 2610
Frequency: Every day

Stopover: Both flights have one stop over, CZ will stopover in Chongqing, CA stopovers in Chengdu